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Suffolk Road, South Norwood, London SE25 6EG. England
Sunday service at 10:30
should you wish to arrange for a wedding, christening or funeral, please contact us.
Lettings Phone no: 07763 107420 email:
The original church was built in 1875
on South Norwood Hill.
The original church was demolished in 1976.
Church services were transfered to the refurbished lecture hall at the back of the church on suffork road, which was opened in 1978, and that is where we worship now.
To be updated
New buildFront entrance |
full picfull picture of the church |
main churchgreat view of the main church |
layout of main churchseating layout of the church |
great viewone of the best views of the main church |
pictureDescribe your image here |
greatDescribe your image here |
lecture hallDescribe your image here |
pictureDescribe your image here |
Set on a hillmain entrance of the original church building |
chancel prior to 1937 (main church)a view of the main church |
baptistryused for baptism |
chancel 1975 (main church)a view of the main church |
children's cornerwas used for creche during sunday service |
pictures of ministerspictures of former ministers who served at south norwood methodist |
pictures of ministersMore pictures of former ministers at south norwood methodist |
pics of ministersMore pictures of former ministers |
pictures of ministersfinal pictures of former minsters who served at south norwood methodist |
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