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  • 1st 10.30 am Revd Peter Clarke Holy Communion.

  • 8th 10.30 am local arrangement.

  • 15th10.30 am Revd Peter Clarke

  • 22nd 10.30 am Habib Nader (All age worship)

  • 29th 10:30 am Mrs. Ann Atkins (palm Sunday)

Note that unless otherwise stated, there is Junior Church and

creche every week in the Wesley Hall except for all-age worship,

when there are creche toys available.


The next issue of the monthly Review will soon be published. If you have items for the Review, please pass these on to the Editorial team Steve Erselius ( or Lawrence Bannister

( . We would love to hear from you.


Church Flower Rota

Thanks to Mary Bannister for arranging the flowers for the month of February. 

Also a big thank you to all who contrubuted to the flower fund box.


Please to let Gill know if you will like to arrange your own flowers in memory of someone or for a birthday or anniversary. If you are not able to do them feel free to donate the money to the flower fund so they can be arranged. 


We have a Flower Fund Box in the vestlbule in which you can safely make your donations no matter how small.













Saturday Coffee Mornings

We have a coffee morning on the 1st and 3rd Saturday

mornings each month at the church from 10.30am to 12

noon. Hosted by members of our fellowship, there is a

rota for the year 2015 at the back of the church. Please offer to

host a coffee morning or help a regular.

Don't be shy, please talk to

Alyson Stonehouse. We invite you to come and join us, and get

to know other members of the church community. Please feel free

to bring your friends and family.


Also Sunday Morning Coffee

Speak to Mary Bannister or Alyson Stonehouse if you could help

with serving refreshments after service one morning. Please add

your name to the rota which is on the notice board near the hatch -

you would not be left on your own - help is always available.

Prefer to be in the back-ground? There's always plenty of washing

up to be done each Sunday morning - just come into the kitchen








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